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Terms of Service for Snow Gryphon Suits

By ordering anything custom made from SnowGryphonSuits, you are automatically agreeing to everything on my terms of service.


Failing to agree or declining to read this will result in declining your order and a possible blacklist for the future. 

Legalities and General

Snow Gryphon Suits claims no responsibility for the behaviour of previous and current clients, nor do we have the time or ability to be able to do background checks on behaviours for those who would be on the queue. My aim is to create costumes to their specifications as a professional relationship. 

 Clients MUST be over the age of 18 years old to be able to commission me via entering a contract agreement, as well as be willing to provide valid and up to date I.D. if I request it. Any and all identification provided as proof will be deleted from my records once I have inspected it. Any and all addresses and phone numbers given, which must be valid, and are used for shipping purposes, will be deleted also once the commission is finished, and the item is with the client. 




 Allergy notice: I own three pets - one cat, and two rabbits.They are kept away from my work, but please be aware that allergens will be carried in via my clothes and myself, so there may be some on your costume.  If you are allergic to cats or rabbits, please let me know, and I will take extra care to ensure the minimisation of allergens.




 I reserve the right to not accept your commission, just as I reserve the right to cancel any commission at any point if I feel it is neccessary to do so. I will not tolerate abuse nor slander towards myself.




Communication will be via telegram or emails. IF you know my telegram, DO NOT MESSAGE ME FIRST ON IT. Telegram chats is ONLY for quick updates and BUSINESS ONLY. If I agree to share my telegram with you for updates, it is for business only, and not for casual chit chat. I am your suit maker, and while I strive to be friendly and professional, I am not your friend. This also goes for my personal twitter accounts that are locked.

If you do wish for email updates, please let me know and I will send you emails instead. 


I do not take deadlines - however if you must have a deadline, please note this will incur an additional fee as I will have to work extra hours. But please note, I will aim to get your suit completed between 1-2 years from the time you commission me, placement depending in the queue.


My current work times vary from one month to five months once I start on your suit.


No one has the right to demand a slot from myself if they are not picked for my queue. I get a lot of interest, and I cannot take on everyone. If you do not get a slot, and start to abuse myself or any of my clients, you will be blacklisted from any future commissions by myself. 


Payment  and Queue Information

Please note, all payments are to be done in GBP (£) and I accept bank transfers (united kingdom), Square or paypal (International) only.

For you to be accepted into my queue, I require a 30% non refundable deposit. The 30% deposit is to be used for the materials of the client's commission, as well as being placed on the queue. 


I have three payment options: Full payment upfront, a three-payment plan, or monthly payments. I am willing to discuss which option is best for you..


The monthly payment plan is a minimum of £300, but there will be a penalty fee included. You have a week grace period after your payment is due, after the 7th day a fee will charged. 10% of the remaining balance or £60 (whichever is highest) will be charged for the late payment and your suit will be put on hold until you are caught up on payments. If you do not respond to me or pay your monthly amount within a three month period, I will cancel your suit, refund you minus the deposit (the deposit is used to pay for materials) and black list you. 



I will require your balance to be paid off to me before the suit is finished. Inability/failure to pay will result in you getting bumped down to the bottom of the queue and may add an extra 6 months to your completion time.


Shipping is NOT included in these payments - this is a separate cost as I cannot gauge how much it will cost to ship the suit until it is finished. 


Pink reference_edited.jpg

Reference sheet and Character information

I MUST have a full body DIGITAL reference sheet of your character. If they have markings on their side that are not obvious, I will require a three view reference sheet. The reference above is an example of a good two view reference sheet.



If you do not have an up to date reference sheet of your character, I will not accept the commission. However, if you wish to get an up to date character reference sheet, I am can be commissioned to draw you one. 




Please be aware that the more complex your character is, the more it will cost to be made. Please also be aware that once the commission is accepted, you cannot make any changes to the character. If you do, there will be an extra charge for new materials and potentional time lost.


If you choose Artistic freedom, then you will have almost no control over what happens to your suit – you may give me the bare minimum, such as “make me a housecat” and show me a few google images / photographs to give me a faint idea.

Only accept this choice if you are 100% sure you will be happy with  what I will give you. You will be able to give me the eye colour and main fur you want, however the rest of the design will be up to me and how I see fit to create it. This will not result in the costume being cheaper. 



I will NOT make a copy of another person's character. If I suspect something and discover you have stolen a character, I will immediately stop working with you.



If for some reason a client disappears, ghosts me, or refuses to pay for the suit, I reserve the right to alter the design and sell it on, or destroy it. No refund will be given if the suit was completed.


While I do my best to colour match, I cannot guarantee exact colour matching between my products and existing products from previous orders or other makers. Fur colours can be unpredictable, and can vary dramatically between dye lots. 


Pricing and Shipping Information

Pricing a quote is a very long and detailed progress based on a number of items – such as designs, material pricings, labour and so on. It is because of this I won’t give out a detailed quote when I am not open for commissions – however if you are interested in a base price, I have a page here with basic pricing.

If you’re still unsure, I would add on a few extra hundred onto the price to be a more accurate price. Please be aware however it will not be the price I give when you go through the proper channels.


If you order anything from me and are not a resident of the United Kingdom, it is the upmost importance you read up on your custom regulations for your country.

There are now restrictions in place that means your costume will more than likely have customs and handling fees attached to it.

I will NOT under any circumstance lie on the customs form, and under declare the value of your suit – this is fraud, and can result in the both of us getting into a lot of trouble.


When your item is shipped you will be supplied with full end to end tracking of your order. The courier we use will depend on the destination of your order. Please consider these costs when ordering your costume. Shipping costs are NOT included in the base prices. If your costume is large, it may be shipped in multiple boxes. 


Shipping within the United Kingdom can expect to take 1-2 days, or sometimes it will take 1-3 weeks. Overseas shipping can be 1-6 weeks.


If the costume is exceptionally large, and you are in the United kingdom, you MAY be able to travel to my home to collect the suit. This is a very rare service I will do.


Warranty and repairs

I offer a six month warranty on your suit once it is in your hands.  This repair warranty will include popped/missed seams, incorrect sizing (within reason), failed adhesives, and similar errors. The warranty does not cover shipping to and from my work space, so please be prepared for these.


If the suit does not fit you properly due to your dtd being grossly incorrect, this will not be covered by the warranty, and will induce an additional fee to remake the bodysuit, as well as requiring an accurate DTD.


When the suit is sent to me for repairs, IT MUST BE CLEAN AND FRESH. If it is not clean when I receive it, I will immediately send it back to you and I will not work with your costume again. 


Alterations to your suit that were not made by me may void your warranty (does not include your own hand-sewing done to fix holes).


Once your warranty runs out / if needed repairs don't fit the warranty /  if your warranty is voided, any repairs will cost £20 per hour plus shipping charges. The total cost of repairs and shipping will be presented to you once the suit has been repaired, and once paid, I will send the suit back to you.


code for quote form: HwxGvheXq8 



I, Snow Gryphon Suits, am not liable for any injuries or actions caused by wearing the suit.


Please stay safe, hydrated, and take regular breaks as needed. 


Please wear your suit responsibly, and do not cause harmful actions to others.


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